

購物滿 HKD 600.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )


顧客凡購物滿HKD 600.00即享運費減免優惠(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )。金額會於結帳時自動扣除,有效期至 01/11/2025。

長葉琉璃耳環 Dangling Glaze Earring

HKD 218.00




材質:14k包金+鍍金長葉+捷克琉璃 尺寸:約54mm長 氣質長款柳葉,尾部是捷克琉璃,非常精美,琉璃不同角度有不同的色彩😍 本店首飾均以人手製作,或許存有小小手工痕跡或者微小瑕疵,不是質量問題。耳環涉及衛生問題,不設退換。手鏈頸鏈可提供免費維修,郵費買家自理。 大多數首飾有現貨,正常下單後1-2日發貨。如有缺貨會馬上手工製作,因講究品質,所以製作需時。 購買滿$600首飾,即享免費順豐速遞送貨上門😍 接受Payme, FPS, PayPal 及銀行轉帳付款。 更多款式歡迎瀏覽我們的網站: https://larajewellery.boutir.com




  • 國際送貨
  • 順豐速運
  • 順豐速運自取服務
  • 實體店自取


  • 信用卡
  • PayMe
  • 信用卡 / PayPal Wallet
  • 銀行轉帳
  • AlipayHK
  • 轉數快 FPS


Most of the jewelry is in stock and will be shipped within 1-2 days after the normal order is placed. If there is a shortage of goods, it will be hand-made as soon as possible . It will take 3-5days to ensure the quality. 大多數首飾有現貨,正常下單後1-2日發貨。如有缺貨會馬上手工製作,因講究品質大概3-5日製作後發出。 Our jewelries are all made by hand, and there may be small hand-made traces or minor flaws. There is no return or exchange if it is not a quality problem. Necklaces and bracelets can be repaired for free, returns and repairs are at your own expense. 本店首飾均以人手製作,或許存有小小手工痕跡或者微小瑕疵,不是質量問題不設退換。項鍊及手鏈可提供免費維修,退換及維修郵費自理。 Once the product is shipped, if the customer fails to pick up the package within the time specified by the courier company due to personal reasons, the customer will be responsible for the additional storage costs and round-trip courier costs incurred during the process. 商品一經出貨後,如客人因私人理由未能於快遞公司指定時間內取件,過程當中所產生的額外存倉費用及來回快遞費之損失將由顧客承擔。 In case of any dispute, Lara Jewelery Studio reserves the right of final decision. If you have any questions, please contact us during office hours. Thank you again for your love and support! 如有任何爭議,Lara Jewellery Studio擁有最後決定權。 如有任何疑問,請於辦公時間內聯絡我們。再次多謝你們的喜愛和支持!
